Tuesday 18 October 2016


How's everyone!

I noticed a sudden boom on my blog... I have seen Holimate Stone appearing on various websites... sweet!

Loving the exposure... So as you guys know I've been drawing and working on the game... with my limited time... I've been managing both pretty well I think... Slow but pretty well.

Anyways I was reworking some of the functions in the game so I could make it flow better and get the events to fire properly pretty gruelling stuff but nonetheless working on it as we speak.  I'll have an update for V 0.4 soon maybe in a couple weeks. 

For now here are some Characters that I have drawn... thinking if I should add them in Holimate Stone or perhaps another project... Take a look and let me know what you guys think.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

A Principal can still learn!

Check out the progression of art... Personall I think I'm getting better... what do you think?

The first is day one!
Second Day 2
and the third one I just finished.