Friday 31 March 2017


Good Morning,

So my reworking has hit a few too many bugs... I'm back to trying to figure out how to fix them... sorry again for the delays.

I understand if everyone now is really frustrated with my work quality and how slow I have been.  I want to apologize and hope that I have some good will with everyone to bear with me just a little while longer while I sort this all out.

I'll let everyone know more as soon as I know.

Take Care everyone

Sunday 19 March 2017


Hey all,

Don't worry I'm not wasting time...

I'm moving into bug testing V 0.4! That is correct!

This post is however not regarding just that!  Many months ago I had said that I wanted to start another game with my own drawings and original characters...

Well I had been drawing alongside working on Holimate Stone so I thought I'd share some of the new characters I had drawn up.

Well enjoy and look for the update in the coming days!
Let me know what you think of the characters aswell....

Thanks and hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday 2 March 2017


Been Awhile everyone,

First off I want to apologize for the quiet period.

I was hard at work in both RL and Gamelife... I have reworked most of the system... and freed up some resources... I still have to bug test to make sure everything works accordingly...

That being said I have added more events... just a few as I could sneak them in to the game while I was reworking it...

This probably doesn't count for much but... 2 - 3 weeks and 0.4 will be out there for everyone I don't know how much more content I can add by then but I'll try my best hopefully that's good enough...

Walk through will definitely be in there for everyone wandering around in the game trying to figure out what's what.... also will hopefully have some kind of placeholder text to end events that aren't completed.

till then...

Have Fun!