Friday 31 August 2018

New Game - Update - Sample

Good Day All,

As I posted earlier I am currently working hard on a new game… I have not titled it yet, but I will have something soon.  I have drawn a lot of the art already which is all hand drawn and as I mentioned before I will be setting up a Patreon I don’t know what “Extra Perks” I will be offering for higher tier Patreons, but I will work on it.  I hope the art samples I have been posting garner more interest in the game.  

The game is not at even Beta yet which is fine for me as I do this in my free time.  Once the Patreon is set up I will have a more guaranteed schedule so that Patreons do not pay for nothing.

In the mean time I hope you enjoy the samples and continue to visit the site.  I’ll keep you posted on news as I get there.

Thanks for staying tuned.  

Wednesday 18 July 2018

I will be back... Soon...

Good day all...

I'm just dropping in to say Holimate Stone is done... I won't be moving it forward... But I am currently working on a New Game and will have something to show for it soon...

I will set up a Patreon for it... so if you like it please support. 

I look forward to the coming weeks....

Stay tuned for updates.

Sorry for the absence....

Monday 29 January 2018

Absense and Status

Good day All,

I'd like to apologize for my abrupt and long silence in regards to Holimate Stone.

As many of you may have come to the conclusion... I will not be updating Holimate Stone anymore for the time being.

  1. 1) I don't have time to create this game any further... Currently I am working 60 hours a week.  No one's fault or problem.  This game doesn't make me any money and I need to be able to feed myself.
  2. The game takes way too much to actually get done.  Between sifting, sorting and photoshopping images there is too much to do for a single person.  Dialogs and bug testing aside.
  3. The game hasn't garnered much interest to begin with... there are a few people who like the game judging by the comments I'd say about 12-15 people.  I mean this in the most respectful way possible that I can't very well go crazy to make a game that's not more widely popular.  I really do thank you for liking what I was creating. 

I am sorry to let you down... I may work on it again... but for the moment I am just improving my art skills while working 2 jobs. 

Stay tuned to the blog for updates when I do eventually create a new game and hopefully I can get paid for it.

Take Care Everyone...